Previous Puppies 2009 
and previous years at their New homes with their New Families
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Previous Puppies                                                2008
Christine's baby girl
We belong to Monica
Jethro & Ziva belongs to Lora, Dan & Gigi
Merry Christmas from Bender & Michelle's family
Ashley's baby boy "Bo"
Ashley's baby boy "Bo"
Ashley and her baby boy "Bo"
Bender & his Best Friend
Bender on vacation at the beach 
Boomer belongs to Brian
This is cool our logo as part of Jason's signature. 
Cecilia's Toro taking a nap
Cecilia's Toro and his Love
We belong to Monica
Jeanie's T-Bone
Jeanie's T-Bone formally known as Cornbread
Jeanie's T-Bone going to school
Joe & Jen's babies.
Joe & Jen's babies.
Me & my buddy!
Kim's babies.
Lily giving kisses... How SWEET!
Lesa's baby Gretchen is 1 year old
Lesa's baby Gretchen is 1 year old Happy Birthday!
Speedy belongs to Scott
Ziva the Diva belongs to Lora, Dan &         Gigi
Teresa's baby girl Gigi with her baby napping
Teresa has Gigi & Julio on pee pee alert
Gigi belongs to Teresa isn't she just tooo cute!
Bender figured out how to get extra treats from Santa, give bullie kisses.
Oh how sweet! Lily is taking care of the baby... 
Christine's new baby & her new friend Rosie who likes tennis balls
Rosie thinks she will teach her new friend some tricks
Boomer has lots of toys to play with, Grandma & Grandpa spoil him 
Lily decided she wanted to be the baby.